martes, 17 de abril de 2007

Caesar Salad

Caesar salad
This salad is from the europern continent, and it was everated to emperor caesar, who for that time liked that his people invented and created special foods for him. Thant this fact his cookerrs invented great variety of foods and ane of them was the salad which ane the emperor put his name caesar. From that time until today the salad is called caesar salad.
Ingredients of “Caesar Salad”:
Ø Italian lehuce
Ø Bacon
Ø Toasted bread
Ø Salt, pepper and alive oil


Ø First you f ried the bacon
Ø Then you eat the lehuce in small pieces
Ø Then you mix in a big cup the pieces of lehuce, the cubes of toasted bread then the bacon and at the and the bacon and at the end the salt, pepper and olive oil you want for giving flavor to salad
Bon apetit!!!

Maria Gabriela Morillo
C.I. 18121187
Sección: D522
Teacher: Doris Molero

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