martes, 17 de abril de 2007



1.- what is your name?
her is dilia narvaez
2.- how old are you?
Her is 70 years old
3.- where were you born?
She was born in nueva esparta
4.- did you grow up there?
Yes, I grew up there
5.- where did you go to elementary school?
I went to Santo cristo elementary school
6.- where did you go to high school?
I went to Santo cristo del valle high school
7.- Did you study foreig languages?
No, I didn” t
8.- How old were you when you started the university?
No; she didn”t go to the university
9.- what”s your favorite childhood memory?
I used to go the beach with family
10.- what sport or games did you use to play when you were younger?
I used to play volleyboll
11.- Did you use to have a nickname?
No, she didn”t
12.- Where did you use to spend your vacations?
I used to spend my vacation in maracaibo
13.- Did you use to have a part-time job?
No she didn”t
14.- Did you use to have a pet ( dog , cat, )?
Yes, she had a dog and his name was Tronquito
15.- Whta about your favorite food?
She is favorite food is fish

Maria G. Morillo
C I: 181211187

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